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Result of CBSE AISS/AISSC Examination w.e.f (2013-2014 to 2019-2020) of Govt. Schools of Arunachal Pradesh

Sl. Academic Year No. Of Students passed in Class X No. Of Students passed in Class XII Remarks
Govt. Schools Govt. Schools
Appered Passed Pass % Appered Passed Pass %
1. 2013-14 17106 14878 86.98 12697 6505 51.23
2. 2014-15 13559 12355 91.12 15076 8240 54.66
3. 2015-16 18412 10631 57.74 13352 6868 51.44
4. 2016-17 18835 12107 64.28 14016 5443 38.83
5. 2017-18 18532 3923 21.17 11146 4944 44.36
6. 2018-19 13737 5657 41.18 12073 5045 41.79
7. 2019-20 11485 5422 47.21 7642 5879 76.93

for Director of Secondary Education

Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh
